dimarts, 20 de juny del 2017

A10 Home country artists

Durant aquesta activitat es tractava de presentar un parell d'artistes nacionals als altres països.
Nosaltres vam triar Miró i Picasso i així es com va quedar:

Here you are the videos with some of the photos compilation of our students’ workshops about Picasso and Miró.

Pablo Picasso 

Joan Miró  

There are two videos of the workshops we made during the partnerships in our city and in Grasse, as well.
Partnership Barcelona workshop about Miró:  

Partnership Grasse Mosaic workshop:   

This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission
The opinions expressed in this publication are exclusively those of the authors. Neither the N.A nor the Commission may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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